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By matthew.hickey (Flickr: [1]) [CC BY 2.0 ( or CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Re-thinking Regulations for a Post Fossil Future

California is addressing climate change more aggressively than perhaps any government entity on earth. With bold initiatives like its Global Warming Solutions Act to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2020, its zero net energy requirements for new residential…

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Pollution Fines. Image By EARTHWORKS (Aliso Canyon leak well pad 1 Credit: Earthworks) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Pollution Fines to Fund California’s Clean Future

The oil spill caused by rupture of the Plains All American Pipeline, Volkswagen's violation of California’s clean air standards, and now months of methane releases from SoCalGas Company’s Aliso Canyon storage facility--these incidents will produce hundreds of millions (if not…

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By Russell Yarwood from Costa Mesa, United States (Cactus & Succulents Uploaded by Fæ) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Changing Climate, Changing Landscapes

We’ve lived in lower Mission Canyon in Santa Barbara for 40 years now. It’s a compound consisting of a small California bungalow and two larger homes. We bought it with friends from our university days and created an environment of…

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First Street Bridge, Los Angeles River by Downtowngal via Wikimedia Commons

When a River Runs Through It

From when I was a boy growing up in nearby Long Beach until I was in my forties, I thought Los Angeles was a soulless city, ugly and mean. Skies in LA were an eerie, almost indescribable mix of gray…

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The Insurance Industry and Climate Change

On Friday I participated in a meeting with Mark Schapiro, author of Carbon Shock. Among the subjects Schapiro raised with our group is the increased scrutiny the insurance industry is giving to the impacts of climate change. Unlike the factors…

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