by Margie Bushman, Santa Barbara Permaculture Network
As many of you know, last week we hosted a public forum on the recent Paris Climate Talks at Antioch University Santa Barbara, featuring journalist Ethan Stewart of the Santa Barbara Independent, accompanied by a stellar group of community members participating on a panel following his talk. It was a wonderful event, with a standing room only crowd.
In case you missed it, Antioch has already posted the event on their website (see link below) also included, links for the two videos we showed before Ethan’s talks to educate & set the tone for all he would share.
Hope you enjoy! it’s clear, not a minute to waste in our efforts to save our lovely home planet. As the astronauts stated in their video, we need a “positive course correction for the planet”, and we need it now. Permaculturists of course, have so much to offer to help guide this course correction along…
The Paris Climate Negotiations Explained; by Grist online magazine (explained succinctly & with humor) (4min):
Call to Earth – A Message from the World’s Astronauts to COP21: (6 min)
Antioch’s videotape of event: (approx. time 90 min)
Public Forum Hosted by Santa Barbara Permaculture Network
Reporting from the Paris Climate Talks with Journalist Ethan Stewart of the Santa Barbara Independent
What does COP21 mean for Santa Barbara & California?:
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